Featured Parish News & Events
Holiday Oplatki
Holiday Oplakti are available at the Parish Office. Each wafer is $1.00.
This tradition, which came from Poland and Eastern European countries, dates back hundreds of years. Oplatki, a thin flat wafer embossed with a Christmas scene or the Nativity, are typically shared before Christmas Eve dinner. The wafer begins with the oldest person is passed around the table and pieces broken off and blessings are shared.
The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
December 9,2024
In the normal course of the liturgical year, the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is celebrated on December 8th and it is a holy day of obligation. This year December 8th is the Second Sunday of Advent. So, what does the Church do? The simple answer is that the feast day this year is transferred from its usual day of December 8th the next day, Monday, December 9th.
Mass Schedule for December 9th
7:00 am
8:05 am (with the school)
12:10 pm
7:00 pm
(*please note no vigil Mass on Sunday December 8th*)
December 22
Children ages 3-7 who attend CLOW at the 10:30am Mass are invited to Jesus' Birthday Party on Sunday, December 22nd from 1:00-2:30pm in the Holy Family Center. We will gather with the teens and adult volunteers for games, songs, snacks, stories, and prayer! Let us know you are coming by signing up online at www.sjohio.org/clow. Please bring a present for Jesus in the form of a donation (cereal or baby products) for the foodbank.
Evening Confessions
A New Opportunity for Confessions
St. Joseph Catholic Church will offer confessions on the Thursday before First Friday of each month. Confessions will be available from 6:30pm until 8:00pm. All are welcome. Our next offering will be on Thursday, December 5th.
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
We Need YOU!
Did you know that we offer Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in our chapel? It’s a blessing for us to have Eucharistic Adoration available every day, but it’s also a lot of work for all of us to keep it going. The Church requires parishes to have at least two people in Adoration during the hours that the Eucharist is exposed, and we’re currently in need of more people to be with Jesus during these hours on a regular, consistent basis. Let’s do what we can to meet that requirement. Please visit our Adoration page for more information on how to sign up for a weekly time of Eucharistic Adoration.